Twelve days . . . That is all it took for another Iguana to show up directly across the canal from my home. Saturday afternoon I was out back at the house and my neighbor from Australia shouted out . . . Would you look at that Mate!

Sure enough, a very large Iguana was strolling across his dock and seawall in broad daylight without a care in the world.  Exactly next door to the home where I had removed the 5’+ monster less than two weeks ago. 

My airgun gun is prepped and ready to go and with the Iguana only 100’ away, it is an easy shot, almost without leaving home. You would think that the Iguanas would know better than to hang out right across the canal of whom one person nicknamed “The Iguana Hit Man”. 

.25 Caliber Air Rifle Iguana Air Gun

This one was very large for a female, just over 4’ 2” long and also pregnant with eggs. After all, her boyfriend was one of the top male Iguanas on the Island measuring over 5 feet long. This Iguana also had awesome claws and a beautiful mane of orange spikes down her back. It is a shame they are so destructive, causing millions of dollars in infrastructure damage and a danger to all burrowing species such as our Burrowing Owls and Turtles. 

Another one down and probably only about 20,000+ yet to go. 

Down Goes Iguana

Neighboring Iguana