Inside – Out . . . A few Long Tails for you in this issue.
No dead or bleeding Iguanas will be featured in this issue – Just creepy stuff that Iguanas can do. Remember, if Iguanas are a problem for you – Say something and I can be there in 5-15 minutes. Call 239-344-7706.
We all remember our firsts . . . From First Kiss to First Born, the first time at anything leaves a lasting memory. Even old guys like me, still have a first at something and here is my latest first.
As most of you know, I remove Iguanas for the residents of Marco Island. As a resident myself, I can come when someone has decided they have had enough with the digging, garden eating and of course, copious amounts of Iguana Poop on everything! FYI – Iguanas carry Salmonella and their Scat carries the bacteria. Please keep your fur friends away from it.
This week I received a call for a roof top and/or lanai cage Iguana removal. They like to crawl up there, sun themselves and then poop over the top of your pool – Yucky. This one had also dug into the soffit screen and had access into the attic. Not good with mating and egg laying season just around the corner. Your attic needs to be off-limits!
The owners invited me into their home to take a peek. There it was, perched on the edge of the roof, protected by the lanai screen with a full overview of the pool, lanai and living room. Problem was, it was very skittish – Any movement, door opening or entry into the lanai would send it into hiding. Furthermore, there was absolutely no line of sight for the shot anywhere outside of the home.
That’s when the Lady of the house asked me if you stand right here in my kitchen, can you take the shot? Hmmm, that’s an interesting request. If I hunker down low over the kitchen island it would be possible. However, there is an issue with the large living room sliding glass door being in the way. It wouldn’t be prudent to shoot through it – and walking up to open it would freak the Iguana out and into hiding.

Solution, the husband GI Joe crawled along the floor, past the sofa to the edge of the sliding glass door. I positioned myself between the refrigerator and counter top and took aim through my powerful scope. While laying on the floor, the husband slowly, an inch at a time, cracked open the glass door to reveal a 6” to 8” gap – and there it was. A clean shot.

The .25 caliber air rifle pellet, went from the kitchen, through the living room, out to the lanai via the small gap in the door, through the lanai screen, through the Iguana’s head, through a second screen and out to the bay. Down Goes Iguana . . . Away goes the problem. I realized, that this was a FIRST for me – an Inside – Out Iguana shot. The 1/4” hole in the screen was easy to fix with fingernail polish or a clear sealant.

To date, I have removed 170 Iguanas from Marco Island here in 2023. A remarkable 29 removed in the past month of October alone, the most of any month this year. As part of my ongoing research project with an environmental group in Tampa, I keep data. Thus far, 17 Iguanas have been 48” or larger and 2 have been 60” or longer this year.
See past issues of Marco Island Iguana Tails on my Blog at These stories are funny and creepy . . . Unless, of course – they are happening to you!
Stay Safe – Be Courageous and Down Goes Iguana
John R. Johnson